Get out your glitter glue and start cutting out hearts–we’re sending some love and hand delivering Valentine’s cards on February 14th to the civil servants at the Department of Education (see mailing address below).

The civil servants at the Department of Education need a little love.  On the campaign trail, Donald Trump threatened to dismantle the entire Department of Education and now he’s angling to put a grossly unqualified, pay-to-play billionaire at the helm whose record in Michigan serves as a cautionary tale for our nation’s schools.

We’re grateful for the federal workforce at the Department of Education.  We know they work hard every day to provide better educational opportunities for our children, enforce civil rights, administer grants that make college more affordable and support teachers in every community.  So, on February 14th, we’ll hand deliver Valentine’s cards made from people across the United States who want to say “thank you” and “please keep up the hard work.”

This is a fast turn-around, start your notes today and get them in the mail ASAP!.  Please send all your completed Valentine’s cards  to:

Department of Education-Valentine’s Day

PO BOX 3263

Silver Spring, MD


A special thanks to Rachel Cobbs for the beautiful artwork, I’ll update soon with a place to download this art so you can use it for your own cards!